Work Is The Curse Of The Blogging Class


Posted on : 10:14 AM | By : Paul Richardson

An internet friend pointed out to me recently that my commitment to blog more quality more often seems to have faltered. Guilty as charged, madam. But my desire to explore social media and blog ferociously was borne out of unemployment and uncertainty, procrastination and escapism. It is very easy to look for a job on the internet, but easier again to get lost in the unlimited resource that the web is. Indeed, at one stage I was getting packages delivered from ebay vendors so frequently that I had lost track of what I was expecting!

But my epiphany came, and my activities ramped up a gear or two, and I got busy, real busy. Doing real work. Making contacts. Getting out there. Being productive. Getting paid. Feeling enriched. Empowered.

Social media lost out! Work became the curse to my blogging and social media exploring. Now it is about balance, and maintaining that balance.

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Comments (1)

You raise an interesting point. As I go days without switching on Twitter (and feeling guilty) I wonder how other people focus on their work and still Twitter all day long. Social Media is amazing, but very time consuming. Maybe some people integrate it into their work, but for the rest of us, I agree, balance and moderation win out. Great to hear you are busy!